Current Language

Section 2.04: Grand Treasurer-Secretary

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall have charge of the Seal and Jewels of the Grand Lodge; shall personally attend and record the transactions of the Grand Lodge when meeting in Annual Communication; shall see to the drawing of all orders, certificated documents and diplomas requiring the Seal of the Grand Lodge, to include the affixing of the Seal thereon; shall complete and carry on such communications with the various Constituent Lodges of this Jurisdiction, all appendant or allied bodies operating therein, and with such other Jurisdictions including those from foreign jurisdictions as may from time to time be necessary to ensure that a harmonious relationship exists between such bodies and this Grand Lodge, and to enforce attention to compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge as may be necessary.

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall be an ex officio member of all Committees.

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall in concert with the staff of the Grand Lodge office, see that all Constituent Lodges submit correct, complete and accurate annual reports as are required by these By-Laws.

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall report to each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge such statistical data concerning the status of the membership of this Grand Lodge as may be directed by the Grand Master.

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall be responsible for hiring all employees and other necessary support staff of the Grand Lodge office.

Under the authority of the Grand Master, the Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall have charge over the employees and other necessary support staff of the Grand Lodge office to ensure the effective and efficient performance of the Grand Lodge office. The employees and other necessary support staff shall answer to the Grand Treasurer-Secretary and shall provide support and clerical services for the Grand Lodge office as enumerated in the job description of the employees and other necessary support staff which may from time to time be amended or changed as directed by the Grand Master.

The Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall devote such time as his duties may require for the efficient and prompt completion of such duties or other programs of the Grand Lodge to include the promotion of Masonry.

Section 2.05: Financial Responsibility

It is the financial responsibility of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of South Dakota to provide whatever finances, salaries, and expenses are needed, from Grand Lodge funds to pay its employees so that they may expend all of their efforts toward the promotion of Masonry in the Blue Lodges of this Jurisdiction.

Proposed Language

Section 2.04: Grand Secretary

The Grand Secretary shall have charge of the Seal and Jewels of the Grand Lodge; shall personally attend and record the transactions of the Grand Lodge when meeting in Annual Communication; shall see to the drawing of all orders, certificated documents and diplomas requiring the Seal of the Grand Lodge, to include the affixing of the Seal thereon; shall complete and carry on such communications with the various Constituent Lodges of this Jurisdiction, all appendant or allied bodies operating therein, and with such other Jurisdictions including those from foreign jurisdictions as may from time to time be necessary to ensure that a harmonious relationship exists between such bodies and this Grand Lodge, and to enforce attention to compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge as may be necessary.

The Grand Secretary shall be an ex officio member of all Committees.

The Grand Secretary shall in concert with the staff of the Grand Lodge office, see that all Constituent Lodges submit correct, complete and accurate annual reports as are required by these By-Laws.

The Grand Secretary shall report to each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge such statistical data concerning the status of the membership of this Grand Lodge as may be directed by the Grand Master.

The Grand Secretary shall be responsible for hiring all employees and other necessary support staff of the Grand Lodge office.

Under the authority of the Grand Master, the Grand Secretary shall have charge over the employees and other necessary support staff of the Grand Lodge office to ensure the effective and efficient performance of the Grand Lodge office. The employees and other necessary support staff shall answer to the Grand Secretary and shall provide support and clerical services for the Grand Lodge office as enumerated in the job description of the employees and other necessary support staff which may from time to time be amended or changed as directed by the Grand Master.

The Grand Secretary shall devote such time as his duties may require for the efficient and prompt completion of such duties or other programs of the Grand Lodge to include the promotion of Masonry.

Section 2.05: Grand Treasurer

The Grand Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining and managing the various accounts of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota as directed by the Board of Trustees. He shall be responsible for making the necessary deposits into the appropriate accounts and making the necessary disbursements for expenses and salaries. It is his duty to make recommendations and provide guidance to the Finance Committee and to the Board of Trustees as he feels is appropriate and in the best interests of the Grand Lodge of
South Dakota. 

Justification: This change is to re-instate the Grand Treasurer and separate the duties at the Grand Lodge Level just as is done in the Subordinate Lodges. This change would also add checks and balances to the Grand Lodge that are required in the subordinate Lodges.

Other Sections affected – Section 1.09 (change to Secretary); Section 2.11 (change to Secretary); Section 2.21 (change to Secretary); Section 2.25 (change to Secretary); 2.46 (change to Treasurer); 2.67 (Split to have each give a report); 2.71 (Change to Secretary)

Submitted by:

Jason D. Swindler, Grand Master

Jeffrey P. VanCuren, Deputy Grand Master

Daniel A. Nace, Senior Grand Warden

Aaron F. Zahn, Junior Grand Warden

James J. Burma, Jr., Grand Treasurer/Secretary 

Current Language

Section 2.45: Funds

There shall be eight funds, namely, the General Fund, the Grand Lodge General Fund Endowment, the Life Membership Fund, the Facilities Endowment Trust, The Masonic Model Student Assistance Training Program Operating Fund, The Masonic Model Student Assistance Training Program Endowment, The Education Endowment Fund and the Grand Charity Fund. Additional Special purpose funds may be authorized by vote of the Grand Lodge as may from time to time be necessary. The fiscal year of the Grand Lodge shall begin May 1 and end April 30 following.

Proposed Language

Section 2.45: Funds

There shall be eight funds, namely, the General Fund, the Grand Lodge General Fund Endowment, the Life Membership Fund, the Facilities Endowment Trust, The Masonic Model Student Assistance Training Program Operating Fund, The Masonic Model Student Assistance Training Program Endowment, The Education Endowment Fund and the Grand Charity Fund. Additional Special purpose funds may be authorized by vote of the Grand Lodge as may from time to time be necessary. The fiscal year of the Grand Lodge shall begin July 1 and end June 30 following.


By changing the fiscal year of the Grand Lodge to begin July 1st and end June 30th will allow the Grand Lodge to align the Budget with the current term of the Grand Master and Officers. Currently the Grand Lodge is conducted on a Budget not yet voted on by the Craft and the actions of the Current officers have impacts on the future officers. If this change is approved, the budget that is voted on here will start on 1 July.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Jeff VanCuren – Grand Master

Dan Nace – Deputy Grand Master/Grand Master Elect

Aaron Zahn – Senior Grand Warden

Dane Bloch – Junior Grand Warden

Jim Burma – Grand Treasurer/Secretary

Current Language

Section 4.18: Stated

Stated Communications are those held at the time prescribed by the By-Laws; and at such Communications all general business, such as reception of petitions, balloting for Degrees or membership, election of officers, and the discussion of questions relative to the interests of the Lodge or Fraternity, shall be transacted in a Lodge of Master Masons, Fellowcraft or Entered Apprentices at the discretion of the Worshipful Master, provided that:

Lodge shall always be opened in the Master degree under the conditions described in section 4.120 of these By-Laws, or at any specific circumstance determined by the Worshipful Master where only Master Masons can or must be present.

Only Master Masons in good standing are permitted to ballot on Degrees, petitions for membership or the election of officers.

Only Master Masons in good standing are permitted to conduct, participate in or vote on any Lodge business: hold or pro-tem any elected or appointed office; or serve on any committee.

Any Masonic Education program given shall be applicable to the degree in which the Lodge is opened.

Proficiencies and Examination of Degrees shall be given only on the Degree in which the Lodge is opened. At any Stated Communications seven members of the particular Lodge shall constitute a quorum for the Transaction of Business.

Section 4.19: Special Communications

Special Communications shall be called, in the discretion of the Master, by giving due notice thereof, but no business except the conferring of Degrees, acceptance of petitions for degrees or affiliation and referral of same to investigating committees or ceremonial observances (including the necessary examination of candidates for advancement) shall be transacted therein; provided, however, that if urgent business should require immediate action at a Special Communication, the Grand Master, upon the petition of the Master and Wardens of the Lodge, showing the necessity of such Communication, may grant a dispensation for the purpose, and provided, further, that all resident members be notified of such Communication; that the minutes shall show all the facts in full, and that no other business except that specified shall be transacted. A Special Communication for examination of candidates, or work in a particular Degree, may be opened on the appropriate Degree only, and need not be opened on any other Degree. At any Special Communication seven Master Masons shall constitute a quorum.

Proposed Language

Section 4.18: Stated

Stated Communications are those held at the time prescribed by the By-Laws; and at such Communications all general business, such as reception of petitions, balloting for Degrees or membership, election of officers, and the discussion of questions relative to the interests of the Lodge or Fraternity, shall be transacted in a Lodge of Master Masons, Fellowcraft or Entered Apprentices at the discretion of the Worshipful Master, provided that:

Lodge shall always be opened in the Master degree under the conditions described in section 4.120 of these By-Laws, or at any specific circumstance determined by the Worshipful Master where only Master Masons can or must be present.

Only Master Masons who are members of the Lodge in good standing are permitted to ballot on Degrees, petitions for membership or the election of officers.

Only Master Masons who are members of the Lodge in good standing are permitted to conduct, participate in or vote on any Lodge business: hold any elected or appointed office; or serve on any committee.

Only Master Masons in good standing in any recognized Lodge are permitted to Pro-Tem for any elected or appointed office for a stated meeting.

Any Masonic Education program given shall be applicable to the degree in which the Lodge is opened.

Proficiencies and Examination of Degrees shall be given only on the Degree in which the Lodge is opened.

Section 4.19: Special Communications

Special Communications shall be called, in the discretion of the Master, by giving due notice thereof, but no business except the conferring of Degrees, acceptance of petitions for degrees or affiliation and referral of same to investigating committees or ceremonial observances (including the necessary examination of candidates for advancement) shall be transacted therein; provided, however, that if urgent business should require immediate action at a Special Communication, the Grand Master, upon the petition of the Master and Wardens of the Lodge, showing the necessity of such Communication, may grant a dispensation for the purpose, and provided, further, that all resident members be notified of such Communication; that the minutes shall show all the facts in full, and that no other business except that specified shall be transacted. A Special Communication for examination of candidates, or work in a particular Degree, may be opened on the appropriate Degree only, and need not be opened on any other Degree. At any Special Communication seven Master Masons shall constitute a quorum.


A Quorum of 7 is an arbitrary number and detrimental to the good of Masonry in South Dakota. 

The Hierarchy of rules in a “Regular and Well Governed” institution dictates that Landmarks takes precedence over our Constitution and Bylaws. Landmark 9 states “The Necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges”. Landmark 10 states that “The government of ever Lodge by a Master and two Wardens.” Also, Section 4.13 states that a Lodge may only be opened by Master or Warden Only. 

The ritual teachings and lectures of the three degrees in Masonry teach us that it only takes three Master Masons to constitute a Master Mason Lodge. Although not expressed in the current form, only Master Masons of a Particular Lodge May vote in Lodge business to include balloting on degrees, petitions for membership or the election of Officers.

A Stated Meeting is a communication held at a specific time and place according to the bylaws and cannot be changed without special dispensation from the District Master or Grand Master. All Master Masons Sign the bylaws of their particular Lodge and know the exact time and location of every stated meeting.

No Lodge business may be conducted at a Special Meeting unless special Dispensation is given by the Grand Master and that only the specific business stated on the Special Dispensation may be entertained at that Special Meeting and all Local members must be notified in advance of the Special Meeting.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Jeff VanCuren – Grand Master

Dan Nace – Deputy Grand Master/Grand Master Elect

Aaron Zahn – Senior Grand Warden

Dane Bloch – Junior Grand Warden

Jim Burma – Grand Treasurer/Secretary

Proposed Language

Section 4.117

The undersigned offer the following as an amendment to the Bylaws of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota.

Bylaw Section 4.117 would be amended as follows:

Appearance by any Mason in this Jurisdiction clothed in Masonic apparel or regalia at any organized non-Masonic event, parade, or rally shall only be done under the auspices of some Regular Lodge. Such participation shall only be authorized by action of the Lodge taken at a Stated Communication unless the non-Masonic event, parade or rally is organized in support of or in opposition to a specific person, specific group or specific political cause. Participation by the members of the Lodge in a non-Masonic event, parade or rally is voluntary and shall not be compelled by its Worshipful Master.

If the organized non-Masonic event is an event in support of or in opposition to a specific person, specific group or specific political cause, the Lodge shall also seek the permission of a Public Regalia Group (Group) from the Grand Lodge. Such Group shall consist of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Secretary, the longest tenured Jurisprudence member, the shortest tenured Jurisprudence member, the Chairperson of the Public Awareness Committee and the Chairperson of the Masonic Civility Committee.

The request for permission should state, with specificity, the Lodge’s intention to participate, the reason for their participation and a description or picture of any other items that would be displayed other than their regalia. The Group will provide permission to the requesting Lodge if a majority of the Group agrees to the request.

If the request for permission is granted, the requesting Lodge is responsible for communicating to the public that their participation in the event, parade or rally is restricted to that specific Lodge. This can be accomplished by such means as, including but not limited to, a banner or signs previously approved by the Group. 


The Masonic fraternity purports to be men of charity and good works as well as respected leaders of their communities. One of our core values is that Freemasons embrace diversity of opinion, religious, ethnic, cultural, social, and educational differences. Local Lodges are in the best position to reflect the values of the local communities which they serve. There are events, parades, and rallies that can be seen by the Craft as controversial. Therefore, rather than any particular Lodge having unilateral decision making to attend or take part in these events, it would be best to have those elected to represent all the Masons of the state, those tasked with opining on our Constitution and Bylaws and those tasked with the awareness of our organization to the public and the civility that is the foundation of Freemasonry, to help be the arbiters of these requests.

Proposed by:

Jon Gill, Master

Ron Knott, Master

Brian Pulling, Past Master

The undersigned offer the following as an amendment to the Bylaws of the
Grand Lodge of S. D.

The following third Sentence would be added to Bylaw Section 4.117.

However, under no circumstances shall any Brother wear any Masonic regalia, including, but not limited to, an apron, hat, uniform,  jewel, or sword at any gathering, event, parade, or rally of any kind when the event is sponsored by, in support of, or in opposition to any person, or group, whose purpose involves a controversial issue, or is political in nature or would be considered so by a reasonable person, such that the Brother’s obvious Masonic membership gives the appearance to the public that a Masonic organization, or that other Brothers, also support or oppose such cause or causes.


The Masonic fraternity embraces men of all political affiliations, and religions, and it would be harmful to the fraternity should any Brothers or any Lodge or other Masonic body allow itself to be identified with controversial or political issues, as it would be likely to alienate significant portions of our membership or the public.

Respectfully submitted by:

WB Jeff Larson

MWB Dennis Robinson

MWB Maurice Peterson

MWB Doug Mc Farland

MWB Virgil Andersen

MWB Gary Griffith

MWB Don Grey

MWB Charles Gilson

WB Kevin Harr

WB Casey Derflinger

WB Phil Schutt

WB Matt Schatz

WB Bob Weatherford


Article X: Officers-Election-Appointment

Section 1. The officers of the Grand Lodge shall be a Grand Master, a Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, a Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a Grand Treasurer-Secretary, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand Orator, a Senior Grand Deacon, a Junior Grand Deacon, a Senior Grand Steward, a Junior Grand Steward, a Grand Standard Bearer, a Grand Sword Bearer, a Grand Marshal, a Grand Pursuivant, a Grand Tyler, a Grand Historian, and such other officers, boards or commissions as may hereafter be created by the Grand Lodge.

Section 2. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, a Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, A Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a Grand Treasurer-Secretary shall be elected by ballot.

Section 3. The remaining officers in Section 1 of this Article from Grand Chaplain to Grand Historian, inclusive, shall be appointed by the Grand Master-elect.


Article X: Officers-Election-Appointment

Section 1. The officers of the Grand Lodge shall be a Grand Master, a Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, a Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a Grand Treasurer-Secretary a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand Orator, a Senior Grand Deacon, a Junior Grand Deacon, a Senior Grand Steward, a Junior Grand Steward, a Grand Standard Bearer, a Grand Sword Bearer, a Grand Marshal, a Grand Pursuivant, a Grand Tyler, a Grand Historian, and such other officers, boards or commissions as may hereafter be created by the Grand Lodge. (Note: The Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer can be combined if the Craft chooses to do so in the absence of a nominated candidate)

Section 2. At each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, a Deputy Grand Master-Grand Master Elect, A Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a Grand Treasurer-Secretary a Grand Treasurer, and a Grand Secretary shall be elected by ballot.

Section 3. The remaining officers in Section 1 of this Article from Grand Chaplain to Grand Historian, inclusive, shall be appointed by the Grand Master-elect.


Changes in Article X Section 1 and 2 are to re-instate the Grand Treasurer and separate the duties at the Grand Lodge Level just as is done in the Subordinate Lodges.  This change would also add checks and balances to the Grand Lodge that are required in the subordinate Lodges.

Submitted by:

Jason D. Swindler, Grand Master

Jeffrey P. VanCuren, Deputy Grand Master

Daniel A. Nace, Senior Grand Warden

Aaron F. Zahn, Junior Grand Warden

James J. Burma, Jr., Grand Treasurer/Secretary